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Mostrando entradas de abril, 2024

The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine

  The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine Ilan Pappé For contemporary as well as for later historians, between the 30th of March and the 15th of May, 200 villages were occupied and their inhabitants expelled. This is a fact that must be repeated.  I have no illusion that it will take more than this book to reverse a reality that demonizes the people who have been colonized, expelled, and occupied, and glorifies the very people who colonized, expelled, and occupied.

They Called Me a Lioness: A Palestinian Girl's Fight for Freedom

  They Called Me a Lioness: A Palestinian Girl's Fight for Freedom Ahed Tamimi ,   Dena Takruri Palestinians, simply by residing in our homes, we practice a form of resistance.  I'm often asked what I think it will take for Palestine to be free. I'm a firm believer that the international community must boycott Israel and pursue it for war crimes in the international courts. I also believe that the only possible and acceptable resolution at this point is a one state solution. My vision is for us to live in a single democratic state where everyone is equal Muslim, Christian and Jew.  

Except for Palestine: The Limits of Progressive Politics

  Except for Palestine: The Limits of Progressive Politics Marc Lamont Hill ,   Mitchell Plitnick For those who have never lived in a system of violence like the Israeli occupation, it is hard to understand how simply not going anywhere constitutes resistance. But when the objective of your oppressor is to get you to leave your land, staying put is part of the daily struggle. In this sense, every Palestinian living under the Israeli occupation is a nonviolent resistor.  

The Biggest Prison on Earth: A History of the Occupied Territories

  The Biggest Prison on Earth: A History of the Occupied Territories Ilan Pappé The conventional Israeli policy of ethnic cleansing, employed successfully in 1948 against half of Palestine's population and against hundreds of thousands of Palestinians in the West Bank in 1967, was of no use here. You could slowly transfer Palestinians out of the West Bank, and in particular, out of the Greater Jerusalem area, but you could not do it in the Gaza Strip once you had sealed it as a maximum-security prison camp. The result, as I have argued elsewhere, was the onset of a policy of incremental genocide by Israel against the Gaza Strip.

Palestina. Cien Años de Colonialismo y Resistencia

  Palestina. Cien Años de Colonialismo y Resistencia Rashid Khalidi Cuando se cumplía el centenario de la guerra contra Palestina, la metrópoli estadounidense, el irremplazable fundamento de la libertad de acción de Israel, estaba tan comprometida con el proyecto sionista como la había estado lord Balfour cien años antes. El segundo siglo de guerra se caracterizaría por un nuevo enfoque, aún más destructivo, de la cuestión palestina, en el que Estados Unidos se coordinaría estrechamente con Israel y sus nuevos amigos en las monarquías absolutas del Golfo.

On Palestine

  On Palestine Noam Chomsky ,  Ilan Pappé,  Frank Barat (Editor) …the tale of Palestine from the beginning until today is a simple story of colonialism and dispossession, yet the world treats it as a multifaceted and complex story hard to understand and even harder to solve. Indeed, the story of Palestine has been told before: European settlers coming to a foreign land, settling there and either committing genocide against or expelling the indigenous people. the Zionists have not invented anything new in this respect, but Israel succeeded nonetheless with the help of its allies everywhere in building a multilayered explanation that is so complex that only Israel can understand it.   The only chance for successful struggle against Zionism in Palestine is the one based on a human and civil rights agenda that does not differentiate between one violation and the other and yet identifies clearly the victim and the victimizers.

Armas, gérmenes y acero

  Armas, gérmenes y acero Jared Diamond Una y otra vez, los pueblos que tienen acceso a los requisitos previos para la producción de alimentos, y que tienen una localización que favorece la difusión de tecnología desde otros lugares, sustituyeron a los pueblos que carecían de estas ventajas. Una y otra vez, cuando una sola oleada de colonizadores se expandió por entornos diversos, sus descendientes se desarrollaron de una manera distinta, dependiendo de esas diferencias del medio.  

God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything

  God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything Christopher Hitchens Religion has run out of justifications. Thanks to the telescope and the microscope, it no longer offers an explanation of anything important. Where once it used to be able, by its total command of a worldview, to prevent the emergence of rivals, it can now only impede or retard -or try to turn back- the measurable advances that we have made. Philosophy begins where religion ends, just as by analogy chemistry begins where alchemy runs out, and astronomy takes the place of astrology. ...religion was spread not by example but as an auxiliary to the more old-fashioned methods of holy war and imperialism.

La resistencia

  La resistencia Ernesto Sabato Unidos en la entrega a los demás y en el deseo absoluto de un mundo más humano, resistamos. Esto bastará para esperar lo que la vida nos depare.  

Internationalism or Extinction

  Internationalism or Extinction Noam Chomsky Humans are now facing the most critical questions that have ever arisen in their history. Questions that cannot be avoided or deferred, if there's to be any hope of preserving, let alone enhancing, organized human life on earth. We surely cannot expect systems of organized power, state or private systems, to take appropriate actions to address these crises, not unless they're compelled to do so by constant, dedicated, popular mobilization and activism.  

Globalization and its Discontents

  Globalization and its Discontents Joseph E. Stiglitz The global protest over globalization began at the WTO meetings in Seattle, WA, because it was the most obvious symbol of the global inequities and the hypocrisy of the advanced industrial countries.  

Colombia: Violencia, democracia, y derechos humanos

  Colombia: Violencia, democracia, y derechos humanos Estanislao Zuleta El discurso racional, filosófico o científico, supone, pues, no solamente un reconocimiento del otro sujeto como libre, sino una apelación a su capacidad de disentir como garantía de que la tesis sustentada no es la manifestación de un punto de vista en particular, o de un interés empírico, sino una conclusión necesaria y por lo tanto válida para todos.  

Accessory to War: The Unspoken Alliance Between Astrophysics and the Military

  Accessory to War: The Unspoken Alliance Between Astrophysics and the Military Neil deGrasse Tyson,  Avis Lang Scientists urge to collaborate transcends religion, culture and politics because in space there is no religion, culture or politics. Only the receding boundary of our ignorance and the advancing frontier of our cosmic discovery.

América mestiza

  América mestiza William Ospina Es curioso que los pueblos que obraron uno de los mayores genocidios en la historia de la humanidad, se hayan aplicado a declarar bárbaros y salvajes a los pueblos que fueron sus víctimas, procurando tal vez legitimar así la masacre.  


  Cosmos Carl Sagan Something in us recognizes the Cosmos as home. We are made of stellar ash. Our origin and evolution have been tied to distant cosmic events. The exploration of the Cosmos is a voyage of self-discovery.

El capital en el siglo XXI

El capital en el siglo XXI Thomas Piketty   El impuesto progresivo sobre el patrimonio individual es una institución que permite al interés general retomar el control del capitalismo, apoyándose en las fuerzas de la propiedad privada y la competencia. Si es el caso, la progresión del impuesto puede ser intensa para las fortunas más grandes, y esto puede hacerse en el marco del Estado de derecho, tras un debate democrático. Es la respuesta más idónea a la desigualdad r>g y a la desigualdad del rendimiento en función del capital inicial.   Leído en 2022