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Mostrando entradas de septiembre, 2024

The Smartphone Society: Technology, Power, and Resistance in the New Gilded Age

  The Smartphone Society: Technology, Power, and Resistance in the New Gilded Age Nicole Aschoff We can and should tell our own stories about the kind of society we want to live in, technology and all. In doing so, we can foster new ways of thinking about our digital-analog future. But what stories should we tell? How do we deal with the myriad issues raised by our smartphones? - privacy, autonomy, addiction, surveillance, precarity, narcissism, commodification, democracy. A growing number of voices are weighing in on these questions, which is a good thing because, unlike the techno-determinists who until recently have received a disproportionate amount of airtime, it assumes that we can do something. If our future is not to be Silicon Valley´s Dis-Utopia then what is it to be? What is our version of Utopia? Or a more manageable question, What relationship should we have with the technology and corporations that have, largely through our smartphones, come to play a central role in ...

Lo imprevisible: Todo lo que la tecnología quiere y no puede controlar

  Lo imprevisible: Todo lo que la tecnología quiere y no puede controlar Marta García Aller Al final, los dilemas humanos son los mismos de siempre, solo que nunca habíamos tenido como especie tanta información disponible. Por eso nos desconcierta tanto descubrir lo vulnerables que somos en realidad. Por una parte, nos hemos vuelto en cierto modo, más previsibles que nunca gracias al mayor procesamiento de datos de la historia. Por otra, el mundo está transformándose a tal velocidad que desconocemos las nuevas reglas de juego. No es casualidad que tanto desconcierto coincida con un profundo cambio tecnológico. La nueva era de la predictibilidad técnica se caracteriza, paradójicamente, por una epidemia de incertidumbre.  

Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now

  Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now Jaron Lanier 'Behaviors of Users Modified, and Made into an Empire for Rent' BUMMER. The whole purpose of BUMMER is turning you and changes to your behavior into a product. The algorithms fundamentally work to favor platform owners and advertisers, and those parties need abstractions of you in order to manipulate you. The business plan of BUMMER is to sneakily take data from you and make money off it. Look at how rich BUMMER companies are and remember that their wealth is made entirely of the data you gave them. BUMMER was originally sold as a barter deal. 'Let us spy on you and in return you'll get free services.' This might seem like a reasonable deal in the short term, but in the long term it's terrible.   

The Physics of Climate Change

  The Physics of Climate Change Lawrence M. Krauss By the end of the century, while it will be hotter everywhere on average, in the tropics and subtropics the seasonal average summer temperature will be warmer then the warmest summer thus far almost 100 percent of the time. It is in these regions that the greatest percentage of currently malnourished individuals live and where the population depends most heavily on agriculture, which will be most strongly affected by global warming.  

A Briefer History of Time

  A Briefer History of Time Stephen Hawking ,   Leonard Mlodinow The twentieth century saw man's view of the universe transformed: we realized the insignificance of our planet in the vastness of the universe, and we discovered that time and space we curved and inseparable , that the universe was expanding, and that it had a beginning in time. There is a good chance that the study of the early universe and the requirements of mathematical consistency will lead us to a complete unified theory within the lifetime of some of us who are around today, always presuming we don't blow ourselves up first!  

Mission Economy: A Moonshot Guide to Changing Capitalism

  Mission Economy: A Moonshot Guide to Changing Capitalism Mariana Mazzucato We live in an era in which capitalism is in crisis and a flawed ideology about the role of government has infiltrated our expectations of what it can do and thus what other actors can do in partnership with government change capitalism, we must therefore change the interrelationships between government, business and civil society, especially the underlying power relationship. There are a variety of different forms of capitalism and we have the wrong one.      .

Freedom Is a Constant Struggle

Freedom Is a Constant Struggle Angela Y. Davis Progressive struggles whether they are focused on racism, repression, poverty or other issues, are doomed to fail if they do not also attempt to develop a consciousness of the insidious promotion of capitalist individualism. I see my work as reflecting not an individual analysis but rather a sense within movements and collectives that it was not possible to separate issues of race from issues of class and issues of gender. Just as the struggle to end South African apartheid was embraced by people all over the world and was incorporated into many social justice agendas, solidarity with Palestine must likewise be taken up by organizations and movements involved in progressive causes all over the world. The tendency has been to consider Palestine a separate and unfortunately too often marginal issue. This is precisely the moment to encourage everyone who believes in equality and justice to join the call for a free Palestine.    

Bullshit Jobs: A Theory

  Bullshit Jobs: A Theory David Graeber If the existence of bullshit jobs seems to defy the logic of capitalism, one possible reason for their proliferation might be that the existing system isn't capitalism-....In many ways, it resembles classic medieval feudalism, displaying the same tendency to create endless hierarchies of lords, vassals, and retainers.    

En defensa del humanismo: Reflexiones para tiempos difíciles

  En defensa del humanismo: Reflexiones para tiempos difíciles Alejandro Gaviria En Colombia, hoy más que nunca, la libertad tiene que ver con el respeto a las comunidades organizadas, con la protección a quienes luchan por el medio ambiente y un futuro mejor y por la protección también a quienes protestan y no se conforman con el mundo como es. Ser libre es alzar la voz tranquilamente, es decir lo que uno piensa sin temor a la intimidación violenta, es poder construir colectivamente sin temer por la vida.