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Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2024

Colombia. Una nación a pesar de sí misma.

  Colombia. Una nación a pesar de sí misma. David Bushnell A pesar de que Colombia no ha experimentado la revolución social, ningún tipo de violencia le ha sido ajena. Los mismos partidos tradicionales que hasta hace poco sirvieron de 'opio' de las masas colombianas (en el sentido marxista)-y cuya sobrevivencia desde mediados del siglo XIX constituye otra continuidad tan impactante como anómala en la región-contribuyeron a través de los años a los brotes de violencia que, a su turno, han representado el más evidente fracaso del sistema político.  

A Short History of Nearly Everything

  A Short History of Nearly Everything Bill Bryson It cannot be said too often - All life is one. That is and I suspect will forever prove to be the most profound true statement there is.  As far as we can tell we are the best there is, we may be all there is. It's an unnerving thought that we may be the living universe's supreme achievement and it's worst nightmare, simultaneously. Bacteria may not build cities or have interesting social lives but they will be here when the sun explodes. This is their planet and we are on it only because they allow us to be. Most of your not devoted to you but to itself. You are a machine for reproducing it, not it for you. A life...just wants to be and DNA is what makes it so.  

Debt: The First 5,000 Years

  Debt: The First 5,000 Years David Graeber The story of the origins of capitalism, then, is not the story of the gradual destruction of traditional communities by the impersonal power of the market. It is, rather, the story of how an economy of credit was converted into an economy of interest; of the gradual transformation of moral networks by the intrusion of the impersonal—and often vindictive—power of the state.  

Capitalist Realism: Is There No Alternative?

  Capitalist Realism: Is There No Alternative? Mark Fisher Capitalism is what is left when beliefs have collapsed at the level of ritual or symbolic elaboration, and all that is left is the consumer-spectator, trudging through the ruins and the relics. The most Gothic description of Capital is also the most accurate. Capital is an abstract parasite, an insatiable vampire and zombie-maker; but the living flesh it converts into dead labor is ours, and the zombies it makes are us.  

El odio a Occidente: La memoria herida de los pueblos del Sur

  El odio a Occidente: La memoria herida de los pueblos del Sur Jean Ziegler ... todo el discurso de los derechos humanos mantenido por los occidentales está marcado por el doble lenguaje, o peor: por una verdadera esquizofrenia.  Muy pocas veces, en la Historia, los occidentales han dado tales muestras de ceguera, de indiferencia y de cinismo como en la actualidad. Su ignorancia de las realidades es impresionante. Y es así como se alimenta el odio. Los derechos humanos deberían ser la base de la comunidad internacional. Fijan las normas mínimas en virtud de las cuales hombres procedentes de horizontes diferentes pueden encontrarse, reconocerse y hablarse.  

Colombia, donde el verde es de todos los colores

  Colombia, donde el verde es de todos los colores William Ospina La ideología oficial que impera en Colombia, la que rige la mentalidad de sus dirigentes y orienta el discurso de sus grandes medios de comunicación, ha seguido presa de ese lamentable discurso colonial que solo vio sus paradigmas en las metrópolis, que centró su dinámica en la imitación de modelos ilustres, que se sintió siempre en una región marginal del mundo, y giró siglo a siglo como una luna febril alrededor de los viejos centros de la esfera: la Corona española, el Vaticano, la Revolución francesa, el mercantilismoo inglés, el industrialismo y el consumismo de los Estados Unidos.  

The Value of Everything: Making and Taking in the Global Economy

  The Value of Everything: Making and Taking in the Global Economy Mariana Mazzucato In essence, we behave as economic actors according to the vision of the world of those who device the accounting conventions. The marginalist theory of value underlying contemporary national accounting systems leads to an indiscriminate attribution of productivity to anyone grabbing a large income and downplays the productivity of the less fortunate. In so doing, it justifies excessive inequalities of income and wealth and turns value extraction into value creation.

Letters From An Astrophysicist

  Letters From An Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson The Cosmic Perspective enables us to see beyond our circumstances, allowing us to transcend the primal search for food, shelter and sex. The Cosmic Perspective reminds us that in space, where there is no air, a flag will not wave. An indication that perhaps flag-waving and space exploration do not mix.  

The Great Divide: Unequal Societies and What We Can Do About Them

  The Great Divide: Unequal Societies and What We Can Do About Them Joseph E. Stiglitz Wealth begets power which begets more wealth. Economic and geographic segregation have immunized those at the top from the problems of those down below. Like the kings of yore, they have come to perceive their privileged positions essentially as a natural right.  

Profit Over People: Neoliberalism and Global Order

  Profit Over People: Neoliberalism and Global Order Noam Chomsky Outside of Western Europe, two major regions developed: the United States and Japan -that is, the two regions that escaped European colonization.   ...development has been contingent on freedom from 'experiments' based on the 'bad ideas' that were very good ideas for the designers and their collaborators.